
Growth Champion 2022!

HCL-Logistics GmbH is one of the “Growth Champions 2022”!

We are very proud of that!

In cooperation with the Hamburg-based market research institute Statista, FOCUS Business has awarded the 500 fastest-growing companies in Germany. This is about companies that were able to achieve a high percentage growth in turnover between 2017 and 2020.

HCL-Logistics GmbH achieved 1st place in the ranking of the industry category “Transport and Logistics” and a strong 2nd place in the overall ranking for Germany.

We as solution providers are thus among the top companies in Germany in this ranking, the doers and strategists of the future. After these difficult times, what could make us more happy than this great award?

We are proud of our company, its employees and grateful to our customers who are not entirely uninvolved in this success.

We would like to conclude by quoting Sir Richard Branson:

„I have never been able to resist a challenge where the prospect of success was slim and I could prove otherwise!“

So rejoice with us, we will continue to be your solution makers and champion for champions from today!

Want to know more about us? Then follow us on Facebook and Instagram or on LinkedIn.


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